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Mixed Leagues
Tuesday 7pm  777 teams of 4 mixed starts Sept 17th
Wednesday sport 6:30pm teams of 3 Starts Sept 4th
Wednesday Splits-n-Beers 6:45pm starts Sept 25th

Friday 7:30pm Cedar Island teams of 4 E.O.W Sept 6th
Friday 7pm Spare Time teams of 4 once a month starts Sept 13th
Saturday 6:30pm Woods teams of 4 E..O.W. starts Sept 7th
Saturday 7pm
           Splits & Giggles teams of 4 once a month Starts Sept 14th
                     CWT once a month  Starts Sept 28th
Men's League

Mondays 6:30pm 5 man teams Starts Sept 9th
Senior Leagues

Monday  Sanction mixed 3 to a team - starts Sept 9th

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